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Nebraska's governing body under US Youth Soccer. NSS hosts programs and events throughout the year including Nebraska Youth Soccer League, Nebraska State Cup, coaching education, Olympic Development Program, and more.
http://www.nebraskastatesoccer.orgCheck out the Sarpy County events calendar for a list of what's happening each month. With local events and activities, along with restaurants, boutique and brand-name shopping, and a whole lot more – Sarpy County has something for everyone.
http://gosarpy.comOfficial Equipment supplier of the Summer Series!
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Nebraska’s Landmark Country is home to more than just Chimney Rock and Scotts Bluff National Monument. It’s home to campfires and nights under the stars, fish caught, trails hiked, and discoveries made. We’re home to dripping ice cream cones and hot air balloons soaring through the western sky. Landmarks are more than just Scotts Bluff and Chimney rock. Landmarks are how we find our way.